Friday, April 30, 2010

Project review

Over the past few weeks the project that I have worked on has taught me several valuable and interesting things and concepts. One thing that I have learned which is very important is placement. When designing a space it is very important to place things like walls, windows and rooms in convenient locations. For example you don’t want to create a bathroom that is isolated from your living space, this would make it inconvenient for the artist using the space. However this also addresses another important concept to keep in mind when designing a space, which is circulation of space. Things should be easily accessible from just about all areas with in the space. Again the artist should not have to walk through all of the rooms or walk upstairs just to go to the bathroom. During the process of this project I also learned a lot about what it takes to make a successful project. This includes having to redo things several times until you get it just the way that you want it. I don’t know how many times I had to redo some of my perspectives because they were not big enough, didn’t show the ceiling, or they just didn’t show enough information, but this was necessary in order to get the desired effect that I wanted in my perspectives. I also learned that research is important in designing structures. Its one thing to have a great idea, anyone can have a great idea of a dream home, but only a designer can take a structure with set physical limitations and incorporate their ideas in order to come up with a space that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. This is why I found it helpful to research some of the things to consider in a space like plumbing, safety regulations, and materials to use in that space. Plus its helpful to know what your talking about when you get up in front of people so that when they ask questions about the structure you can competently answer them. Another thing I learned that when designing a space for the moment it’s yours so you have to own it. This means that if your going to do some thing to the space that affects surrounding areas then you should own that space around it as if you were designing it as well. Lastly I learned a few things about myself and my design process along the way. I realized that when working I have to do things multiple times in order to get it right. I haven’t really gotten use to using markers because it is a new medium to me but it works well when you get the hang of using it, for this reason I had to do plenty of perspectives until I got the marker effect I wanted. Also when making models I had to keep redoing the walls until I could get them as neat as I could. Above all work smart and not hard so I have to find the methods that are most effective in getting the job done instead of just trying to get the work done.

Here were a few of my Sketch up images of the space which also helped with an understanding of light and space in the structure.

Second go around

With these perspectives I picked out one area of the space which was the studio area and drew for different views of that space. These gave off more in formation that the other perspectives and also paid more attention to both natural and electrical lighting.

First perspectives

In these perspectives I attempted to get a feel of the space through drawing and color, however these drawings turned out somewhat flat and did not give off enough information about the space. It also lacked the natural lighting that would be seen in a space like this.

This Plan view was drawn after I made changes to suit the client.
This Plan is a view of the space before the changes that I made to the space.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Clue 5 and 6

For clues 5 and 6 we were to take a car and create some thing new with it.....well here's what I came up with.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Story telling through perspective clues 1,2,3,4

The first image was a drawing form the Gram building on campus, where I had my class at Uncg.
This drawing is on College avenue at the center of campus.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I also took a few pictures at Falling Waters.